Our annual seminar is a 4-day residential, a great opportunity for 14-18 year-olds to discover and develop their leadership potential and to become effective, ethical leaders in their home, school, workplace and community.
The seminar is held on a university campus. This ensures a safe and secure environment with excellent conferencing facilities. The study bedroom accommodation also gives delegates a valuable experience of student living.
The seminar curriculum develops leadership from three perspectives:
Personal Leadership
Group Leadership
Leadership for Society
An experienced and talented team of HOBY facilitators leads workshops and discussions. There are presentations from inspirational guest speakers and fun social events. Delegates will meet like-minded young people from a wide range of backgrounds and they will forge lifelong friendships. At the end of the four days, they will leave inspired, equipped with a clear plan of how they are going to put these new-found skills into action.
Information about the Seminar:
The seminar is the 17th to the 20th July at Chester University. We are proud to offer our seminar to our 2024 students across a 4 day residential experience.